Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Vaccines And The Effect On Your health

In this interview Alex Jones and Dr. Deagle talk about the vaccines currently being given to, or planned to be given to children and the way the vaccines will affect those children by giving them many other health problems at this time and later in life.


Dr. Wm. R. Deagle MD, ABFP, CCFP, CIME, AAAAAM, ACOEM, AAPM, SPPM, AAEMAmerican Board Family Physician
Founder of NutriMedical, 1999.

Member of the American Board of Family Practice, Canadian College of Family Practice, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and A.C.O.E.M., the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Dr. Deagle is also completing board certification examinations in the American Board of Pain Medicine, February 2003.

Board eligible in Occupational and Environmental Medicine since 1996.
An ACOEM Board Certified Independent Medical Examiner, and member of the American Academy of Legal Medicine.

Dr. Deagle has a teaching appointment as medical student preceptor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Dr. Deagle plans completion in 2003 of the Board Certifications in the American Academy of Thermal Imaging, the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, and the American Board of Holistic Medicine. Research interests include clinical consulting with Genovations and Great Smokies Laboratories for gene SNP, single nucleotide DNA polymorphisms. These are the genetic basis for current of future disease.

Dr. Deagle is writing a text on Functional Medicine - The Genetic and Immunotoxic Basis of Health and Disease with Dr. Ari Vojdani, PhD, Director of Immunosciences Clinical Laboratories, in Beverly Hills, California.

Dr. Deagle holds a patent pending for new topical pain pharmacotechnologies for pain control and new pain blockade trigger point technologies. Research interests include sensory nerve mapping for pain control utilizing the new 1997 FDA approved VsNCT, voltage actuated sensory nerve technology, MediDx 7000 from NDA Nerve.

Dr. Deagle has completed a study for the State of Colorado Department of Revenue on repetitive motion injury induced nerve entrapment diagnostics and trauma release interfacial therapeutics for the upper extremities. Plan is for future research of pain diagnostic of C.T.I. - Computerized Thermal Imaging technologies with a delta sensory nerve mapping for Interventional Pain Blocking Therapies.

Dr. Deagle is a public speaker on application of advanced laboratory testing or organ function in wellness and disease and the genetic basis for Holistic Integrative Medicine.

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Alex Jones


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